The Springville Herald from Springville, Utah (2024)

October pae Ten THE SPRINGVILLE (UTAH) HERALD srio Korner Boy, to LeGrande cy Strong Boyer, MonTay tember 28, at Hospital. Pround grandnl1' I are Mr. and Mrs. and Mr. and Mrs Edwar? i Girl, to Bert and Rav Hatfield Hone, 0f Sunday, Sept.

27, at Valley Hospital. Utah Boy, to Paul E. and Bernadotte Gottfredson 0f7 vo, Saturday, September 26 Utah Valley Hospital SETS DATE Miss Bonnie K. Steele, whose engagement is announced this week, the marriage to be on October 8. Miss Bonnie K.

Steele engaged to wed G. K. Argyle October 8 Mr. and Mrs. William H.

Steele of Springville announce the engagement for their daughter, Bonnie K. Steele, to Gerald Kenneth Argyle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald S. Argyle of Spanish Fork.

The couple will be wed on October 8 at the home of the bride-groom- 's parents and will be feted at an informal open house following the ceremony. Guests will be welcomed from 8 to 10 p.m. at the Argyle residence, 140 East 700 North, Spanish Fork. Miss Steele is a graduate of Springville High School, where she was a member of Thespians and the FHA. She is currently attending a beauty college.

Her fiance, a graduate of Spanish Fork High School, attended College of Southern Utah. Musettes plan season's activity At a recent business meeting of the Musettes, at the home of Mrs. LuDean Bird, plans were made for the current year's choral activities and regular practices which are held every Thursday evening in the Third-Nint- Ward Church. Seven new members were welcomed into the group nclud-in- Mrs. Alice Graham, Mrs.

Karma Dean, Mrs. Nancy Le-Su- Mrs. Pat Selman, Mrs. Helen Miner, Pat Francis and Mrs. Ann Woller, the latter recently returned from Idaho Falls.

The group now comprises some fifty members whose voices are in demand at programs here and throughout the season. They have now begun practice for their concert in November. Linda Huffis president of the group; Winona Killpack, vice president; Mariam Mitchell, secretary; Shirley Graves, treasurer; Minerva Jessee, historian; Joan Fox, librarian; Leah Huff the transportation chairman. DUP schedules SLC convention The Daughters of Utah Pioneers' National Convention will be held in Salt Lake City, October 3, at theHotel Utah-Lafayet- te Ballroom. Thesession begins at 9:15 a.m., with a message from President Kate B.

Carter. A presentation of "Our Pioneer Heritage" willfollow President Carter's remarks. A luncheon in the Empire Room at noon will be attended by various County Presidents. Buses will leave the Hotel Utah at 2:00 p.m. to go to Liberty Park, where the Pioneer Home built by Isaac Chasewill be dedicated.

The evening meeting in the Lafayette Ballroom at 7:30 p.m., will feature a pageant "This Land Be Ours" by Clair Likes. Mrs. Nellie Anderson is 4 her home, 145 West Sec.a South after spending two years in hospitals, confined the past weeks due to a fractured 2 She would enjoy a visit fl her many Springville 1 Mrs. Gelga Horde is staviT. with her.

i I ENGAGED Miss Virginia Allred plans to marry Mike K. Neil of Provo, the date being announced for October 12. Virginia Allred engaged to wed Mike K. Neil early this month Mr. and Mrs.

Virgil Allred of Spanish Fork, formerly of Springville, announce the engagement and forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Virginia, to Mike K. Neil, son of Mr and Mrs. George Atkin of Provo. The young couple has circled October 12 for their wedding day, the ceremony to take place at the home of the groom's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.

Clarence Smith, 999 North 600 West, Provo, in the early evening. Afterthe ceremony an open house reception will honor the young couple from 8 until 10 p.m. to which friends and relatives are being invited. Ladies Literary Club conducts first meet First regular meeting ofthe Ladies Literary Club was held Thursday evening of last week, at thehome of Mrs. William Schreiner with Mrs.

Claude A. Smith, president, conducting. A program featuring German folk songs and literature followed a nicely arranged tray luncheon served by the hostess. After the clubcollect by Mrs. William H.

Brown, Lawrence Schreiner recently home from an LDS Mission in Germany, introduced thethemeof the program by showing a number of striking colored slides of places in Germany. He also spoke briefly of German customs andculture. Later he and his sisters, Margaret and Merlene, and a brother, Bruce, entertained with several German folk songs with piano accompaniment. Margaret also gave a delightful reading in German. She and her sister were attired in native German dresses.

The program was concluded with the reading of "Praying Hands," by Mrs. Schreiner. She also reviewed the year's program as outlined in the club booksand distributedthe books. President Smith conducted a short business asking Mrs. Harold Christensen to give a report on the Legislative Council meeting, at which the Freeport amendment was discussed.

The club voted to support the Springville Playhouse project. During the evening, Mrs. Grant Thorn was welcomed as a new member to the club as was Mrs. Ray Gammell.the latter being unable to attend. Mrs.

Earl Goates was a special guest. Next meeting was announced for October 15, at thehome of Mrs. Julia Sumsion. Archery is one of the fas. est growing participant sport in the United States Dr.

Hazel A. Lowenstein ol Terre Haute, is returning Friday after spending two and a half months in Springville and visiting her mother, Mrs Nellie Anderson, who has beer in the hospital. Hazel has beer at the Anderson home, 14E West Second South and durinj the summer, Miriam Lowen stein, a daughter, spent tw( weeks here; son, Paul, spent ten days and a daughter Ruth and a friend, Richarc Ressman, visited ten days. Mattresses Rebuilt I or trade your old mattress in on a new ortho- pedic mattress or bo spring. EASY PAYMENTS FREE DELIVERY Phone 4 IDEAL MATTRESS AND FURNITURE 125 West 500 South Provo, Utah ac.

WIE STEAK PflJ SHANK PIECES STEAK SutT fy- omit SBr" sal-tine- 2Rm TOftrogS hjbI SALAD CRW "RELISHES if pikers vtTt 20 Prices Effective Thursday, Friday, Saturday, September 24, 25, 26. AND SUNSET MARKET 10th South 4th East, Springville 30 South 1600 West in Provo Phone 489-4- 6 1 1 PLENTY OF FREE PARKING Phone 374-5- 0, ATTENTION, DEAR HUNTERS I Insulated jump suit Ideal for deer hunting. Light weight, machine washable comes in red, green and blue Men's and Women's 0 A I If 98 Cyfmhmh AlsoLadies' Sweatshirts and Jeans Downtown Provo Ft. Lane, Layton Girls' State delegates report at club meet Mrs. David Gledhill entertained twenty-thre- members ofthe Companions Club, including honorary member, Mrs.

Maurice Bird, at the first meeting of the season. Reports on Girls State were given by Patricia Thorn, Marsha Jen-Kin- Sally Orton and Carolyn Johnson. During the business portion of the meeting conducted by club president, Mrs. LaVell Brown, the program forthe year was outlined by Mrs. George Puckett, chairman of the program committee, and each member received a lovely program book.

The next meeting is scheduled tonight, Thursday, Oct. 1, at the home of Mrs. Robert Sumsion, where members will participate in the first of two programs designated to acquaint them with the candidates running for political office in this year's elections. As 1964's summer ends American vacationists i 1 have driven 74 billionmiles including stops at 6,500 camp sites across the nation. Delightful program opens club year Grant and Naomi Thorn gave a delightful program at the opening socialformembers ofthe Alpha Beta Club and partners Friday evening, at the Social Center.

In connection with their talk entitled "Where Jesus Walked" they showed colored slidesof their tour ofthe Holy Land. They also showed colored slides of England and described many of their experiences there while Mr. Thorn served as mission president. The program followed dinner served to the following: Dr. and Mrs.

W. G. Biesinger, Mrs Earl Condie, Mrs. Emil Ostlund, Mrs. Dimick Huntington, Mrs.

William Witney, Mrs. H. T. Reynolds, Jr, Mr. and Mrs.

Thomas Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Goates, Mr. and Mrs. W.L.

Schreiner, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Brockbank, Mr.

and Mrs. W. W. Clyde, Mr. and Mrs.

Edward Clyde, Mr. and Mrs. Earling Roylance and Mr. and Mrs. Thorn.

Club books were distributed during the evening andthe president, Mrs. S. Thomas Smith, announced the first regular meeting, October 9, at the home of Mrs. Emil Ostlund in Provo, beginning at 2:30 p.m. of theBook of Mormon as the leader, are the most popular subjects.

All kinds of people, all ages, and with varied occupations take part in the program. Several men in the Utah State prison are enrolled, and 250 men in the armed services, in cooperation with the United States Armed Forces Institute, take part in the program. Housewives, with a desire to continuetheir education make up the major part of the enrollment. Study at home, big program Approximately 4700 students are currentlyparticipating in BYU Home Study program, according to the 1964-6- 5 Home Study Bulletin. With a gain of a thousand over last year, the enrollment represents the largest increase forthe Home Study program since its initiation in 1922.

Two hundred forty-on- courses, ranging from Accounting to Zoology, and 27 high school courses are currently offered in the correspondence curriculum. The faculty is composed of 157 teachers. Religion courses, with the study Club enjoys talk on England Mrs. Selvoy J. Boyer recently home from England, was the speaker at the meeting of the Mothers Study Club, Friday, when the group met at the home of Mrs.

Grace Cran-dal- l. Mrs. Boyer, a former mem- berof the club told of her many experiences while her husband served as president of the LDS Temple andshe as matron at the London Temple. The meeting was in charge of President May Clegg who asked Mrs. Beulah Whiting to read the club collect.

Mrs. Sel-m- a Beardall gave thoughts on friendship. Birthday pillows were presented by Mrs. Lela Sumsion to Mrs. Cora Childs and Mrs.

Grace Crandall. Seventeen club members were present and enjoyed lunch served by the hostess assisted by her daughter, Mrs. Marilyn Reed and her daughter. Mrs. Ronald Barvvick (Audrey Hall) and children, Sharon, Ronald and Steven, have returned to their home in Phoenix, Arizona, after a visit with her parents, Mr.

and Mrs Theron S. Hall..

The Springville Herald from Springville, Utah (2024)


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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

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Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.