Presque Isle area From our Files - Week of August 7, 2024 - The County (2024)

TOURNAMENT CHAMPS — Presque Isle managed to win the Rec. 10-12 year old baseball tournament for the third year in a row. The tourney included participants from eight surrounding towns. Shown in the first row, left to right, were Mark Beaulieu, Peter Lovely, Mark Madore and John Johnston. In the second row were Ted Stone, Steve Slipp, Kevin Frazier and Peter Norsworthy. In the third row were David Hansen, Danny Lainey, and coach Larry Hallowell. Mike McHugh and Ron Miller were absent from the picture. (File photo 1974/The Star-Herald)

99 Years Ago – August 6, 1925

A marvelous horse — John R. Braden, whose post office address was Presque Isle, Maine, took the free-for-all at Fredericton Friday afternoon in two straight, 2.05 1-4, and 2.06 1-4, driven out in each heat by Auto Pace. The last quarter of the first heat, in 30 1-2 seconds, was some stepping for a horse as old as the great John R., variously reported as from 12 to 16 years old. Auto Pace then took the third heat in 2.08, Jackson Grattan, the Houlton entry, securing third money and Valley Day fourth. It surely would have been no disgrace if John R. had lost this race by a good margin, for horses, like men, cannot remain at their best forever. His wonderful victory, in what was said to have been the fastest time ever made by a horse of his age over a half mile track, stamped him as he had already been stamped over and over again, one of the toughest and best horses that ever took the word of a starter. — Fort Fairfield Review.

50 Years Ago – August 7, 1974

Earnt medal — On Wednesday, July 24, the armed services recruiting office in Presque Isle was the scene of a local man receiving the U.S. Army commendation medal. Theodore F. Kennard, 29, was formally presented with the medal for meritorious service while supervising a communications section in Texas. For more than eight months, Kennard, who was a specialist 4, did the work of seven people, running the whole section by himself. He was discharged May 16 from the Army after six years service, and before the Army could process the medal. A civilian, Kennard worked as a welder and fabricator for Potato Service. His parents were Walter Kennard of Mapleton and Guyila Kennard of Chicago, Illinois.

Dedication ceremonies — The State Board of Education named Northern Maine Vocational Technical Institute’s first modern dormitory after Roland B. Andrews, a leading Aroostook County educator for 42 years. Andrews was instrumental in the establishment of NMVTI and the first regional technical vocational program at Presque Isle High School. The first school administrative district in Maine was established here largely through his efforts. During his career, he was active in adapting school agricultural programs to the needs of Presque Isle people. A graduate of Colby College and the University of Maine Graduate School. Andrews served as superintendent of Presque Isle area schools from 1943-68. Before that, he was a teacher and administrator at schools in Union 110, Hodgdon, Albion and Portage. He was also education director for the Civilian Conservation Corps in Princeton from 1935-37.

25 Years Ago – August 11, 1999

Levesque sawmill made the list — J. Paul Levesque & Sons Inc. was the 15th largest softwood sawmill in the United States according to the industry magazine, Timber Processing. The magazine releases its top 200 list every summer. Companies are rated on how many million board feet they produce. The Ashand mill produced 183 million board feet in 1998. The only other mill on the east coast to top its production was International Paper in Riegelwood, N.C., which placed eighth, producing 205.6 million board feet in 1998. The top-producing softwood mill in the United States was Simpson Timber Co., in Shelton, Washington, which turned out 368 million board feet the year prior. J. Paul Levesque & Sons moved up the list two sports from the year before.

Graham won the crown — Renee Graham was crowned the 1999 Miss Maine National Teenager. The National Teenager Scholarship program awards young ladies on the basis of their academic achievements and their community leadership. As a result of this honor, she received over $60,000 in scholarships to various colleges throughout the United States. She was also named Miss Congeniality. She received the citizenship award, volunteer award and second runner up for the essay competition.Champions — The Easton Blue Jays won the championship at the annual Little League playoffs in Fort Fairfield. Easton’s record ended with three losses out of 10 games and three wins in the playoffs, which was a single elimination. Eason’s team was coached by Dean Gendreau, Easton’s recreation director, and assisted by Dave Hopkins, Pat Lovely and Bruce Flewelling. Team members were: Jarod Flewelling, Nick Flewelling, Jeremy Brock, Laura Hopkins and Kyle White, Stephen Hopkins, Kassie Lovely, Jordan Davis, Chris Dayringer and Justin Crockett.

Presque Isle area From our Files - Week of August 7, 2024 - The County (2024)


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