Family fun at Golden Horseshoe hockey camp | BP Sports Niagara (2024)

Golden Horseshoe camp instructors Andy Boudreau, (left) and Ben Boudreau. Photo: BILL POTRECZ.

Family fun at Golden Horseshoe hockey camp | BP Sports Niagara (1)

The Golden Horseshoe Hockey School has always had a special place in Ben Boudreau’s heart.

The head coach of the Niagara IceDogs began attending the school more than 30 years ago as a five-year-old when the camp was run by his father, former National Hockey League player and coach Bruce Boudreau.

Fast forward and Ben Boudreau and brother Andy Boudreau are at the helm along with several other members of the Boudreau family.

“The family aspect of it is my favourite part of the entire camp,” Ben Boudreau said Friday from the Seymour-Hannah Sports Complex where the camp has run all week.“It’s not just operating it. You see the family aspect of it with the brothers and sisters and kids.”

Andy Boudreau loves working with his older brother.

“We find a good harmony,” Andy Boudreau said. “We both obviously have been involved for 33 years. He has a unique skill set that I don’t and I have a unique skill set he doesn’t. I think we compliment each other really well and are both on the same page.

“It’s always fun to share and now we have our kids involved.”

Family fun at Golden Horseshoe hockey camp | BP Sports Niagara (2)

Andy helps run many of the on-ice sessions and is also heavily involved in the administrative aspect.

This year, 182 players signed up with 50 staff members helping out.

“It’s become quite the labour of love,” he said. “This year I’m teaching three of six power skating sessions each day. I’m a Jack of all Trades. Wherever I think I provide the most value is where I like to be.”

The family dynamic is not limited to the brothers.

Bruce Boudreau has been in and out all week while youngest brother Brady Boudreau, sister Kasey and their the children are also involved.

“My son goes to the camp,” Ben Boudreau said. “Andy had a baby and she’s only three-and-a-half years old and she’s working the front desk.

“Your’re born into it. Our aunts, uncles, cousins, they want to be here to help out and every single one of my friends have stopped by to help out — firefighters, detectives. It’s the community input that has helped this survive for so long. It’s not limited to our immediate families, but our hockey families who have been here for years before. It’s the same relationships we have formed for four decades.”

Ben Boudreau also loves the fun aspect of the week.

“It the same thing we lived growing up — the shootouts, the on-ice, the competition, the fun, the games,” he said. “You take it to the grassroots and why you play the game and that’s to have fun. You’re in a summer camp and there’s no pressure in this type of environment. You come here to have a summer camp fun experience. You’re making friends and playing for the love of the game and nothing else.

“We want to have fun and create life long relationships on and off the ice. That’s what it all about and that’s what people are going to remember.”

Ben Boudreau was also excited to see the IceDogs organization pitch in, everyone from players to staff. Goaltender Charlie Robertson, defenceman Callum Cheynowski and forward Andrew Vermeulen were all part of the camp.

“I honestly can’t wait to get my teeth into it,” Ben Boudreau said. “It’s a community feeling and everyone is asking about the IceDogs, everybody’s talking about the IceDogs.

“You see the guys on the ice, I can’t believe how good Cheynowski looks and Robertson looks like a man and that gets you excited to see where the guys have developed this summer and then you come back with an identity and a culture.”

Ben Boudreau feels things will be different this season after finishing in last place overall the last two seasons.

“We have a chance to compete this year so that’s the exciting part. Expectations have risen and hopefully we should be able to meet them this year and that’s fun for everybody involved.”

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Family fun at Golden Horseshoe hockey camp | BP Sports Niagara (2024)


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